Ausschreibungen für Abschlussarbeiten und HiWi-Positionen

Hier finden Sie verschiedene Ausschreibungen für Abschlussarbeiten (Bachelor & Master) oder HiWi-Stellen. Beachten Sie, dass Sie sich bei Interesse an einer Abschlussarbeit auch an die entsprechenden Forschenden wenden können, auch wenn keine Arbeit hier ausgeschrieben ist. Werfen Sie dazu einen Blick auf unsere Forschungsgebiete.


Privacy-Enhancing Technologies and Differential Privacy: Algorithm implementation and evaluation

(Posted: June 2024 — Flyer)

Do you like the perks of tech but are you tired of big tech companies stealing your personal data? That's where differential privacy comes in. If you want to help us keep your data safe, apply for this HiWi position!

Data analysis has become an important field of study it can, not only improve our daily lives, but can also be used in a variety of ways to analyze data. Communication systems or location-based services are just a few of the many applications that benefit from data analyses today.

While data analysis has many economic and social benefits, most of the data collected contains sensitive information about individuals. To ensure that everyone has the right to privacy, we need to protect the people whose data is being used and make sure it doesn't cause them any harm.

In this HiWi position, you'll work with researchers in the field of database protection, and how to balance useful global statistics about the population with the individual's right to privacy.

Tasks As part of a team of researchers and a current research project, your task will consist of (among other things)

  • Designing, implementing and testing algorithms of current ideas,
  • Evaluating algorithms on real-world data,
  • Writing clear documentation and maintaining usable code bases.

Prerequisites The following are required for this position:

  • Be a KIT student,
  • Primary interest in the topic,
  • Coding skills in Python or similar languages,
  • Basic software development practices (e.g., Git),
  • English communication skills.

If you are interested or have further questions, please contact Àlex Miranda-Pascual.


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