Studies in Behavioral Privacy

Participation in our studies runs via KD2Lab.

Ongoing Studies

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Study Archive

Here you can find a list of previous studies:

Title Duration Description

Gait Study

approx. 45 minutes People's gait movements are a unique biometric factor which can be used to identify individuals. To prevent this, we are researching anonymization techniques for gait data. For our research, we therefore need the highest quality gait data possible, which we can use to develop and test our anonymization techniques. We record these in our lab using modern IMU motion capture suits, with the test volunteers completing various gait tasks.

Hand Motion Study

approx. 25 minutes Hand movements will become an important input modality for mixed reality devices in the future. For example, devices like the Hololens 2 not only allow users to see virtual worlds, but also to "touch" and manipulate them with their hands. This functionality is made possible by tracking hands with cameras. As we already know from gait data, human movements are biometric data and therefore the question is how much hand movements can reveal about a person. Participants in this study will be fitted with a Hololen 2 and will then have to perform various hand movements.

EMG Study

approx. 25 minutes Muscle activations can be measured and evaluated via so-called electromyography. Electrodes are placed on the corresponding muscles to measure their activation potentials. Specifically, this can be used, for example, to identify the types of hand movements. We, on the other hand, are interested in how well different people can be distinguished on the basis of their EMG data. For this purpose, we equip the participants of the study with an EMG measuring device and have them perform different hand movements.

Eye-gaze Study


Odor Study