

Support Team
Name Task Status E-Mail
data privacy student assistant  
data privacy student assistant upuwn does-not-exist.student kit edu
anonymous communication student assistant uyisv does-not-exist.student kit edu
trajectory data student assistant  
secretariat   hildegard sauer does-not-exist.kit edu
technical support   marius simianer does-not-exist.kit edu
trajectory data student assistant haoshen zhang does-not-exist.student kit edu
Associate Researchers
Name Title Affiliation
Prof. Dr. University of Paderborn
  Polytechnical University of Catalonia
M. Sc. Stabstelle IT-Sicherheit, TUD


Alumna/Alumnus Title Affiliation
Becher, Kilian Dr. SAP
Beck, Martin Dr. Huawei
Byrenheid, Martin Dr. BSI
Escher, Stephan M. Sc. Landesdatenschutzbeauftragte Sachsen
Gudymenko, Ivan Dr. T-Systems
Kuhn, Christiane Dr. NEC Lab
Li, Tao Dr. SAP
Nguyen, Giang Prof. Dr. TU Dresden
Osman, Amr Dr. TU Dresden
Paul, Thomas Dr. Evonik
Pfennig, Stefan Dr.  
Reubold, Jan Dr.  
Roos, Stefanie Prof. Dr. TU Delft
Salah, Hani Dr. Evonik
Schiller, Benjamin Dr. Evonik
Walther, Paul Dr. TÜV