You can find our collaborations listed below.

- Contact:
Thorsten Strufe
- Project Group:
- Funding:
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
- Partner:
TU Dresden, TU Munich
Über 6G-life
Through our cooperative CeTI we are part of 6G-life. Our colleague Shima Hassanpour is doing research on 'quantum privacy' and security mechanisms for 'low-latency communication' in this project.

- Contact:
Thorsten Strufe
- Funding:
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), ANR
- Partner:
German Partners
• Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe
• Urban Software Institute GmbH, ChemnitzFrench Partners
• SAP France, Mougins
About Propolis
Propolis is a project that focuses on privacy in so-called smart cities. There are several areas that need to be considered, such as the energy sector, risk prevention in public spaces and traffic monitoring. On the last point, traffic monitoring, our colleagues Patricia Guerra-Balboa and Àlex Miranda-Pascual are researching. Their goal is to develop privacy notions and mechanisms that make it possible to document human trajectories without violating the privacy of users. For more information about the project, visit the Propolis webpage.
Thorsten Strufe is project coordinator in this cooperative between science and the private sector.
About CeTI
The Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop (CeTI) is a research association and a vision of the future in one. For the researchers, the focus is on people and their environment. CeTI's goal is to democratize access to skills and know-how in order to promote equal rights for people of any gender, age, cultural background or physical limitations through technology. Our colleague Simon Hanisch is a researcher in the CeTI team. His projects are 'Perception of human gait' and 'Privacy-friendly pose estimation'. He is part of Use Case No. 3 'Internet of Skills' and Talent Pool No. 5 'Tactile Computing'. More about the research foci and their structure can be found on the CeTI webpage.
Thorsten Strufe is CeTI spokesperson and head of studies.

- Contact:
Thorsten Strufe
- Project Group:
KASTEL Security Research Labs
- Funding:
The acronym KASTEL stands for the Institute for Information Security and Dependability, which emerged from the Competence Centre for Applied Security Technology. It is a complex network of various institutes of the KIT Faculty of Computer Science, a competence centre for knowledge transfer and the Helmholtz-Association's topic 'Engineering Secure Systems'.
Our colleague Christoph Coijanovic is part of the quantification research group. The aim of this group is to develop the most concrete metrics possible to quantify the security of complex systems, i.e. to develop a kind of 'security score'.