Preprints und Kopien

This list contains publications with open access mandate that are not automatically available online. Do note that most of our publications are available online and easily found through dblp or other search portals.
Daniel Schadt, Christoph Coijanovic, Christiane Weis, and Thorsten Strufe. PolySphinx: Extending the Sphinx Mix Format With Better Multicast Support. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 2024. Open Access PDF
Kamyar Abedi, Giang Truong Nguyen, and Thorsten Strufe. Improving resilience of future mobile network generations implementing zero trust paradigm. IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), 2024 Open Access PDF
Fritz Windisch, Kamyar Abedi, Giang Truong Nguyen, and Thorsten Strufe. Towards Rapid Prototyping Network-Slicing Solutions in Software-Defined Networks. IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), 2024 Open Access PDF
Alex Miranda-Pascual, Patricia Guerra-Balboa, Javier Parra-Arnau, Jordi
Forné, and Thorsten Strufe. Sok: Differentially private publication of tra-
jectory data. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs),
2023. Open Access PDF
Simon Hanisch, Evelyn Muschter, Adamantini Chatzipanagioti, Shu-Chen
Li, and Thorsten Strufe. Understanding person identification through gait.
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs), 2023. Open Access PDF
Patricia Arias-Cabarcos, Saina Kjalili, and Thorsten Strufe. ”surprised,
shocked, worried”: User reactions to facebook data collection from third
parties. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs), 2023. Open Access PDF
Patrica Arias-Cabarcos, Matin Fallahi, Tilo Habrich, Karen Schulze,
Christian Becker, and Thorsten Strufe. Performance and usability evalua-
tion of brainwave authentication techniques with consumer devices. ACM
Transactions on Privacy and Security, 2023. Open Access PDF
Matin Fallahi, Thorsten Strufe, and Patricia Arias-Cabarcos. ’brainnet:
Improving brainwave-based biometric recognition with siamese networks’.
In IEEE PerCom, 2023. Open Access PDF
Kilian Becher, JA Gregor Lagodzinski, Javier Parra-Arnau, and Thorsten
Strufe. Analysis and prevention of averaging attacks against obfuscation
protocols. In International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Net-
work Security, pages 451–475. Springer, 2023. Open Access PDF
Jan Ludwig Reubold, Stephan Escher, Johannes Pflugmacher, and
Thorsten Strufe. Dissecting chirping patterns of invasive tweeter flocks in
the german twitter forest. Online Social Networks and Media, 31:100228,
2022. Open Access PDF
Jan Ludwig Reubold, Stephan Cornelius Escher, Chris Wressnegger, and
Thorsten Strufe. How to protect the public opinion against new types of
bots? In IEEE BigData, 2022. Open Access PDF
Javier Parra-Arnau, Thorsten Strufe, and Josep Domingo-Ferrer. Differ-
entially private publication of database streams via hybrid video coding.
Knowledge-Based Systems, 247:108778, 2022. Open Access PDF
Martin Byrenheid, Stefanie Roos, and Thorsten Strufe. Topology inference
of networks utilizing rooted spanning tree embeddings. In International
Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), pages
107–116, 2022. Open Access PDF
Patricia Guerra-Balboa, Àlex Miranda Pascual, Javier Parra-Arnau, Jordi
Forné, and Thorsten Strufe. Anonymizing trajectory data: Limitations
and opportunities. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI), Workshop on Privacy-Preserving Artificial Intelli-
gence (PPAI), 2022. Open Access PDF
Oualid Zari, Javier Parra-Arnau, Ayşe Ünsal, Thorsten Strufe, and Melek
Önen. Membership inference attack against principal component analysis.
In International Conference on Privacy in Statistical Databases, pages
269–282. Springer, 2022. Open Access PDF
Stephan Escher, Katrin Etzrodt, Benjamin Weller, Stefan Köpsell, and
Thorsten Strufe. Transparency for bystanders in iot regarding audiovi-
sual recordings. In International Conference on Pervasive Computing and
Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Work-
shops), pages 649–654, 2022. Open Access PDF
Sebastian Rettlinger, Bastian Knaus, Florian Wieczorek, Nikolas Ivakko,
Simon Hanisch, Giang T Nguyen, Thorsten Strufe, and Frank HP Fitzek.
Mper-a motion profiling experiment and research system for human body
movement. In International Conference on Pervasive Computing and
Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Work-
shops), pages 88–90. IEEE, 2022. Open Access PDF
Patricia Guerra-Balboa, Alex Miranda-Pascual, Javier Parra-Arnau, Jordi
Forné, and Thorsten Strufe. La publicación de trayectorias: un estudio so-
bre la protección de la privacidad. In XVII Spanish Meeting on Cryptology
and Information Security (RECSI), 2022. Open Access PDF
Kilian Becher, Mirko Schäfer, Axel Schröpfer, and Thorsten Strufe. Effi-
cient public verification of confidential supply-chain transactions. In IEEE
Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), 2022. Open Access PDF
Patricia Arias-Cabarcos, Thilo Habrich, Karen Becker, Christian Becker,
and Thorsten Strufe. Inexpensive brainwave authentication: New tech-
niques and insights on user acceptance. In 30th USENIX Security Sym-
posium (USENIX Security 21). USENIX Association, August 2021. Open Access PDF
Sarah Abdelwahab Gaballah, Christoph Coijanovic, Thorsten Strufe, and
Max Mühlhäuser. 2pps—publish/subscribe with provable privacy. In In-
ternational Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), pages
198–209, 2021. Open Access PDF
Reyhan Duezguen, Peter Mayer, Benjamin Berens, Christopher Beck-
mann, Lukas Aldag, Mattia Mossano, Melanie Volkamer, and Thorsten
Strufe. How to increase smart home security and privacy risk perception.
In International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing
and Communications (TrustCom), pages 997–1004, 2021. Open Access PDF
Christiane Kuhn, Maximilian Noppel, Christian Wressnegger, and
Thorsten Strufe. Plausible deniability for anonymous communication. In
Proceedings of the 20th Workshop on Workshop on Privacy in the Elec-
tronic Societyi (WPES), pages 17–32, 2021. Open Access PDF
Amr Osman, Jeannine Born, and Thorsten Strufe. Mitigating internal,
stealthy dos attacks in microservice networks. In International Symposium
on Stabilizing, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS), pages
500–504. Springer, 2021. Open Access PDF
Wasilij Beskorovajnov, Felix Dörre, Gunnar Hartung, Alexander Koch,
Jörn Müller-Quade, and Thorsten Strufe. Contra corona: Contact trac-
ing against the coronavirus by bridging the centralized–decentralized di-
vide for stronger privacy. In International Conference on the Theory and
Application of Cryptology and Information Securityi (AsiaCrypt), pages
665–695. Springer, 2021. Open Access PDF
Christiane Kuhn, Dennis Hofheinz, Andy Rupp, and Thorsten Strufe.
Onion routing with replies. In International Conference on the Theory and
Application of Cryptology and Information Security (AsiaCrypt), pages
573–604. Springer, 2021. Open Access PDF
Christiane Kuhn, Martin Beck, and Thorsten Strufe. Covid notions: To-
wards formal definitions – and documented understanding – of privacy
goals and claimed protection in proximity-tracing services. Online Social
Networks and Media, 22:100125, 2021. Open Access PDF
Nora Jansen, Oliver Hinz, Clemens Deusser, and Thorsten Strufe. Is the
buzz on? – a buzz detection system for viral posts in social media. Journal
of Interactive Marketing, 2021. Open Access PDF
Stephan Escher, Markus Sontowski, Knut Berling, Stefan Köpsell, and
Thorsten Strufe. How well can your car be tracked: Analysis of the euro-
pean c-its pseudonym scheme. In 93rd Vehicular Technology Conference
(VTC2021-Spring), 2021. Open Access PDF
Frank H.P. Fitzek, Shu-Chen Li, Stefanie Speidel, Thorsten Strufe, and
Patrick Seeling. Frontiers of transdisciplinary research in tactile internet
with human-in-the-loop. In International Symposium on Wireless Com-
munication Systems (ISWCS), pages 1–6, 2021. Open Access PDF
Andres Marin-Lopez, Patricia Arias-Cabarcos, Thorsten Strufe, Gabriel
Barceló-Soteras, Florina Almenares-Mendoza, and Daniel Díaz-Sánchez.
Implementing dnssec soft delegation for microservices. Electronic Com-
munications of the EASST, 80, 2021. Open Access PDF
Martin Byrenheid, Stefanie Roos, and Thorsten Strufe. Improvements to
the secure construction and utilization of greedy embeddings in friend-to-
friend overlays. Electronic Communications of the EASST, 80, 2021. Open Access PDF
Paul Walther, Markus Richter, and Thorsten Strufe. Ray-tracing based
inference attacks on physical layer security. Electronic Communications
of the EASST, 80, 2021. Open Access PDF
Sadia Moriam, Elke Franz, Paul Walther, Akash Kumar, Thorsten Strufe,
and Gerhard Fettweis. Efficient communication protection of many-core
systems against active attackers. Electronics, 10(3), 2021. Open Access PDF
Paul Walther and Thorsten Strufe. Inference attacks on physical layer
channel state information. In International Conference on Trust, Security
and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), pages 935–
942, 2020. Open Access PDF
Kilian Becher, J. A. Gregor Lagodzinski, and Thorsten Strufe. Privacy-
preserving public verification of ethical cobalt sourcing. In 19th IEEE
International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing
and Communications (TrustCom), pages 998–1005. IEEE, 2020. Open Access PDF
Stephan Escher, Benjamin Weller, Stefan Koepsell, and Thorsten Strufe.
Towards transparency in the internet of things. In Proceedings of the
Annual Privacy Forum, 2020. Open Access PDF
Frederik Armknecht, Paul Walther, Gene Tsudik, Martin Beck, and
Thorsten Strufe. ProMACs: Progressive and Resynchronizing MACs for
Continuous Efficient Authentication of Message Streams. In ACM CCS,
2020. Open Access PDF
Martin Byrenheid, Stefanie Roos, and Thorsten Strufe. Secure embed-
ding of rooted spanning trees for scalable routing in topology-restricted
networks. In Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), 2020.
Best Paper Runner-Up Award. Open Access PDF
Stephan Escher, Patrick Teufert, Lukas Hain, and Thorsten Strufe. You’ve
got nothing on me! privacy friendly face recognition reloaded. In Inter-
national Workshop on Multimedia Privacy and Security, 2020. Open Access PDF
Stephan Escher, Patrick Teufert, Robin Hermann, and Thorsten Strufe.
Twizzle - a multi-purpose benchmarking framework for semantic compar-
isons of multimedia object pairs. In International Workshop on Multimedia
Privacy and Security, 2020. Open Access PDF
Christiane Kuhn, Friederike Kitzing, and Thorsten Strufe. Sok on perfor-
mance bounds in anonymous communication. In International Workshop
on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES), 2020. Open Access PDF
Kilian Becher and Thorsten Strufe. Efficient cloud-based secret shuffling
via homomorphic encryption. In IEEE International Symposium on Com-
puters and Communications (ISCC), 2020. Open Access PDF
Paul Walther and Thorsten Strufe. Blind twins: Siamese networks for
non-interactive information reconciliation. In IEEE 31st Annual Interna-
tional Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
(Pimrc), 2020. Best Paper Award. Open Access PDF
Christiane Kuhn, Martin Beck, and Thorsten Strufe. Breaking and (par-
tially) fixing provably secure onion routing. In IEEE Symposium on Se-
curity and Privacy (Oakland), pages 168–185, 2020. Open Access PDF
Clemens Deußer, Steffen Passmann, and Thorsten Strufe. Browsing unic-
ity: On the limits of anonymizing web tracking data. In IEEE Symposium
on Security and Privacy (Oakland), pages 777–790, 2020. Open Access PDF
Paul Walther, Robert Knauer, and Thorsten Strufe. Passive angriffe auf
kanalbasierten schlüsselaustausch. In GI SICHERHEIT, 2020. Open Access PDF
Amr Osman, Armin Wasicek, Stefan Köpsell, and Thorsten Strufe. Trans-
parent microsegmentation in smart home iot networks. In 3rd USENIX
Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge), 2020. Open Access PDF
Martin Byrenheid, Thorsten Strufe, and Stefanie Roos. Attack resistant
leader election in social overlay networks by leveraging local voting. In
21st International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking,
2020. Open Access PDF
Johannes Pflugmacher, Stephan Escher, Jan Reubold, and Thorsten
Strufe. The german-speaking twitter community reference data set. In
IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM
WKSHPS), pages 1172–1177, 2020. Open Access PDF
Pin-Hsun Lin, Christiane Kuhn, Thorsten Strufe, and Eduard A Jor-
swieck. Physical layer privacy in broadcast channels. In IEEE Inter-
national Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), pages
1–6, 2019. Open Access PDF
Tobias Reiher, Alex Senier, Jeronimo Castrillon, and Thorsten Strufe.
Recordflux: Formal message specification and generation of verifiable bi-
nary parsers. In International Conference on Formal Aspects of Compo-
nent Software, pages 170–190, 2019. Open Access PDF
Paul Walther, Elke Franz, and Thorsten Strufe. Blind synchronization of
channel impulse responses for channel reciprocity-based key generation. In
IEEE 44th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), pages 76–83,
2019. Open Access PDF
Martin Byrenheid, Stefanie Roos, and Thorsten Strufe. Attack-resistant
spanning tree construction in route-restricted overlay networks. In 38th
Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), 2019. Open Access PDF
Markus Sontowski, Stefan Kopsell, Thorsten Strufe, Christian Zimmer-
mann, Andreas Weinand, Hans D Schotten, and Norbert Bissmeyer. To-
wards secure communication for high-density longitudinal platooning. In
IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Fall), 2019. Open Access PDF
Muhammad Hassan, Hani Salah, Mauro Conti, Frank Fitzek, and Thorsten
Strufe. Comon-das: A framework for efficient and robust dynamic adap-
tive streaming over ndn. In IEEE Symposium on Computers and Com-
munications (ISCC), 2019. Open Access PDF
Amr Osman, Simon Hanisch, and Thorsten Strufe. Seconetbench: A
modular framework for secure container networking benchmarks. In IEEE
European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (Euro S and P),
pages 21–28, 2019 Open Access PDF
Tim Lackorzynski, Stefan Köpsell, and Thorsten Strufe. A comparative
study on virtual private networks for future industrial communication sys-
tems. In 15th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication
Systems (WFCS), 2019. Open Access PDF
Amr Osman, Pascal Bruckner, Hani Salah, Frank Fitzek, Thorsten Strufe,
and Mathias Fischer. Sandnet: Towards high quality of deception in
container-based microservice architectures. In IEEE International Con-
ference on Communications (ICC), 2019. Open Access PDF
Tao Li, Hani Salah, Xin Ding, Thorsten Strufe, Frank Fitzek, and Silvia
Santini. Infas: In-network flow management scheme for sdn control plane
protection. In IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service
Management (IM), pages 367–373, 2019. Open Access PDF
Christiane Kuhn, Martin Beck, Stefan Schiffner, Eduard Jorswieck, and
Thorsten Strufe. On privacy notions in anonymous communication. Pro-
ceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2:105–125, 2019. Best Paper
Award. Open Access PDF
Jens Syckor, Thorsten Strufe, and Anne Lauber-Rönsberg. Die Datenschutz-Folgenabschätzung: Ausnahme oder Regelfall?, ZD 2019, 390-394 Open Access PDF
Kilian Becher, Martin Beck, and Thorsten Strufe. An enhanced approach
to cloud-based privacy-preserving benchmarking. In International Con-
ference on Networked Systems (NetSys), pages 1–8, 2019. Open Access PDF
Improving quantization for channel reciprocity based key generation
P Walther, C Janda, E Franz, M Pelka, H Hellbrück, T Strufe, E Jorswieck
2018 IEEE 43rd Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 545-552, 2018 Open Access PDF
Energy-efficient SDN control and visualization
T Li, Y Sun, M Sobe, T Strufe, S Santini
NOMS 2018-2018 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 1-2, 2018 Open Access PDF
Martin Byrenheid, Stefan Köpsell, Alexander Naumenko, and Thorsten
Strufe. Transparent low-latency network anonymisation for mobile de-
vices. In International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communi-
cation Systems, pages 193–209, 2018. Open Access PDF
Privacy-preserving audience measurement in practice—opportunities and challenges
S Passmann, A Lauber-Roensberg, T Strufe
2017 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), 444-449, 2017 Open Access PDF
BD-CAT: Balanced Dynamic Content Addressing in Trees
S Roos, M Byrenheid, C Deusser, T Strufe
INFOCOM 2017 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, IEEE, 1 - 9, 2017 Open Access PDF
Giang Nguyen, Stefanie Roos, Benjamin Schiller, and Thorsten Strufe.
Swap: protecting pull-based p2p video streaming systems from inference
attacks. In World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoW-
MoM), 2016. Open Access PDF
Interdisziplinäre Forschung zwischen Informatikern und Soziologen
P Gebelein, T Paul, T Strufe, W Effelsberg
PIK-Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation 38 (1-2), 83-87, 2015 Open Access PDF
Thomas Paul, Daniel Puscher, Stefan Wilk, and Thorsten Strufe. System-
atic, large-scale analysis on the feasibility of media prefetching in online
social networks. In IEEE CCNC, 2015. Open Access PDF
Distributed discovery of user handles with privacy
T Paul, M Hornung, T Strufe
2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2947-2953, 2014 Open Access PDF
Dang Hai Hoang, Thorsten Strufe, Thieu Nga Pham, Hong Ngoc Hoang,
Chung Tien Nguyen, Van Tho Tran, and Immanuel Schweizer. A smart
data forwarding method based on adaptive levels in wireless sensor net-
works. In IEEE Local Computer Networks, Workshops (SenseApp), 2013. Open Access PDF
Thieu Nga Pham, Dang Hai Hoang, Thorsten Strufe, Duc Le Quang,
Phong Thanh Bui, Nguyet Thi Thai, Duong Le Thuy, and Immanuel
Schweizer. Processing and visualizing traffic pollution data in hanoi city
from a wireless sensor network. In IEEE Local Computer Networks, Work-
shops (SenseApp), 2013. Open Access PDF
Smooth Resilient Service Provision in Large Heterogeneous Networks
K Panitzek, M Ikram, M Mühlhäuser, T Strufe
PIK-Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation 35 (3), 167-173, 2012 Open Access PDF
Lachezar Krumov, Adriana Andreeva, and Thorsten Strufe. Resilient
Peer-to-Peer Live-Streaming using Motifs. In IEEE World of Wireless,
Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 2010. Open Access PDF